

Posted by 0xl00se on September 29, 2017

Users’ methods

def task_new():

说明:Create new task ID
def task_delete(taskid):

说明:Delete own task ID

Admin functions

def task_list(taskid=None):

说明:List task pull
def task_flush(taskid):

说明:Flush task spool (delete all tasks)

sqlmap core interact functions

Handle task’s options

def option_list(taskid):

说明:List options for a certain task ID
def option_get(taskid):

说明:Get the value of an option (command line switch) for a certain task ID
def option_set(taskid):

说明:Set an option (command line switch) for a certain task ID

Handle scans

def scan_start(taskid):

说明:Launch a scan
def scan_stop(taskid):

说明:Stop a scan
def scan_kill(taskid):

说明:Kill a scan
def scan_status(taskid):

说明:Returns status of a scan
def scan_data(taskid):

说明:Retrieve the data of a scan

Functions to handle scans’ logs

def scan_log_limited(taskid, start, end):

说明:Retrieve a subset of log messages
def scan_log(taskid):

说明:Retrieve the log messages

Function to handle files inside the output directory

def download(taskid, target, filename):

说明:Download a certain file from the file system